Students have the opportunity to earn a high school elective credit for completing
community service hours.
- Students may begin completing community service hours for credit the summer before their freshman year.
- Students need to turn in documented community service hours to the HHS main office each semester.
- Seniors need to complete all community service hours and turn in their documentation by March 1st of their senior year.
- Students who complete a minimum of 135 hours of voluntary service to benefit the community in which we live will be awarded 1 high school credit.
- Students who complete 200+ hours are eligible to wear the service cord during graduation ceremonies.
- Community service hours cannot be earned during the school day, for paid service, or from a family member.
- Documentation must be completed by an adult group leader of an organization which serves our community who is not the parent/legal guardian of the student.
If you have questions about community service hours, contact your school counselor.